“A few days ago I decided to go buy a T-shirt to wear during the parade and discovered a dark side to the rainbow flag merchandise sold across high street stores,” he said. Isaac Jordan, an amateur photographer, has made a photo series which he hopes to exhibit on the fringes of Brighton Pride, which starts on Friday, to publicise what he says is an unethical relationship between Stonewall, Primark and Turkey. The issue for me is where the message on the T-shirt is printed, in this case it is in Turkey so that for me is fundamentally unethical.“It is unfair to ask people to do the messages in countries where LGBT rights are a pipe dream and we must not do it.”
Steve Taylor, the co-founder of the UK Pride Network and the communications director at EuroPride, said: “The Primark T-shirts are printed in Turkey where Pride is illegal so that is deeply unethical.